I am excited to offer this program catered towards 2yrs to 4yrs of age children.
Children will get introduced to bugs, trees, birds, forest animals, and get to move around and explore the natural surroundings such as trees, creeks and forests.
The program is offered two days a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
To make it easy for parents/caregivers, you can choose to register on a weekly basis as you feel right for your family (check the price plan). Or if you want to commit, you can register seasonally (6 weeks length, also available through price plan).
I will be bringing my own son to the program who is 3yrs old. I taught my daughter (6.5yrs) through this program when she was 3, and when she joined SK, she was beyond the level of her classmates as she could count to a thousand, knew her colours, excelled in the gardening session, drew, and could focus when doing her work. The only area she struggled in was crafts but quickly picked up, alHamdulillaah.